• No bus stop rush
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  • Debit-As-You-Ride
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  • Great Networking

Peer Ride Values


Peer Value - Convenience, Straight Ride, No Bus-Stop Rush

Straight ride. No bus stop rush. No delay. Pick-up points at the closest bus-stops to your home and office.


Peer Value - Convenience, Straight Ride, No Bus-Stop Rush

All users are verified and rides scheduled. No theft or kidnapping.


Peer Value - Convenience, Straight Ride, No Bus-Stop Rush

Affordable ride. You can choose a ride that fits your budget.

Reduced Cars

Peer Value - Convenience, Straight Ride, No Bus-Stop Rush

With 4 more people going in a car, there will be 4 less cars on the road. That's huge success!

Faster Transit

Peer Value - Convenience, Straight Ride, No Bus-Stop Rush

With a straight ride and reduced number of cars on the road, we eliminate stops and delays. Transit time should be 1/5 of the usual.

Green Lagos

Peer Value - Convenience, Straight Ride, No Bus-Stop Rush

Less exhaust fumes from cars makes Lagos green.

Peer Ride Logo

We Are A Green Business

Sustainable Development Goals



We are repurposing existing transportation to meet new needs.

SDG 11

Sustainable City

We keep Lagos air clean by reducing the cars on the road by 4/5.

SDG 13

Climate Action

With these small and big steps, we work towards having a safe environment.